Spring 2023 dates are April 17-June 19, 2023
(8 classes) No class May 15 and May 29.
CREATE WITH COLLAGE with Nancy Egol Nikkal
Pelham Art Center, 155 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803
8 sessions: class size limited to 12 All Levels
Mondays, 1:00-3:30
Take a class with an artist who’s taught collage for more than 30 years. Create collage paintings with fine art papers, magazine papers, acrylic paint and media. Projects highlight abstraction, portraits, and landscapes with personal touches of nostalgia. Classes include discussion, critique and tips on how to work with papers and adhesives – especially how to get the surface you want. Explore color and design theory while learning about art history. Students are also encouraged to bring personal items to incorporate into artworks. This class is for artists at all skill levels.
Register for this class: 914 738 2525 and online.